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Kelli Ruiter


The 1st Annual J.Ruiter Drag Race


The Ruiters successfully brought us back to our childhood last weekend by hosting a matchbox drag race party. I received the invite a few weeks ago and had to read the description twice: bring your own non-altered, stock, 1/64 car. $1 per car/winner takes all. Adults only. 

I forwarded the invite to Jeff and he responded with a text that read: "I just googled which matchbox cars are the fastest," which answered my question on whether he wanted to go or not. 

We came armed with two cars each and quickly realized that our measly four car total was a complete underestimate on the number of cars appropriate for a party of this nature. In our defense, we were at a odd disadvantage without kids at home - the other racers were armed by their offspring with the 'best  10 cars in the toy box' that they could find. Chalk that one up in the books under advantages of being parents - a plethora of toy cars. 

There was an official announcer complete with a wireless microphone, a official track that spanned the length of the Ruiter's living room that included starting lights and winner sensors at the finish lines. There was an ice cream cart from Love's Ice Cream, snacks, beverages, and friends. For hours we raced cars and ate ice cream, which sounds all too much like a 10-year-old boy's ideal afternoon. 

And while we didn't return home winners, we did have a great time. Thanks Joey and Kelli. 
