This has been the most amazing fall that I can remember. We’re nearing Thanksgiving and I’ve avoided busting out my down coat thus far! But like John Snow says, ‘winter is coming’ and us Kladders, we’re pumped and ready!
Big stuff is happening at Kladder Headquarters: electrical went in the attic last weekend thanks to Jeff along with the help of our good friend Brent. Brent recently launched his own contracting company after stepping down from his position at Triangle Construction. We’re grateful for his expertise! Next we’ll insulate because, like I said before, winter is coming.
Natalie crossed the 7-month marker this week and is continuing to hit all the usual milestones. She’s a skilled spoon feeder, still loves being outdoors (including on the backpack while raking leaves) and we recently discovered she’s a ‘water baby.’ She could go for as long as the bath water stays warm playing with toys in the tub - that’ll come in handy as the weather gets colder. Crawling however is of no interest to her. Dr. Ron says it’s quite possible she’ll be one of those kids who goes straight to walking. Pray for us.
Last weekend we spent time with my family in Schoolcraft and brought along our friends the DeWittes and their daughter Maxi. My parents put us all up in what I like to call the ‘Smith Family B&B.’ We were glad to have beds to sleep in after enjoying the annual bonfire late Saturday evening - the breakfast in the morning was just an added bonus! The guys played in the annual beer-pong tournament and my brother and dad won for the 3rd year in a row; not sure if I should be proud.
This weekend we celebrate Jeff’s big 3-0 by way of party bus and a few additional surprises. Stay tuned for more next week.
Family photos at my parents house last weekend.