The Rib Party 2014. Some of the ladies and the newest additions to the group.
We love a good party and it doesn't get much better than a yard full of friends, a cooler full of Corona, and a plate full of ribs. For 10 years running the Scholten Family has hosted family and friends in their backyard for what they call the annual Rib Party. What else would you call it when the entire evening is focused around amazing racks of meat?
Mr. Scholten along with the help of Mr. Workman (men who are, from what I understand, 'bleacher buds' meaning they became friends through watching their sons sporting events together) spend their entire day slow grilling ribs over open coals in a homemade fire pit. It's a labor of love to say the least.
But I'd be lying if I said the rib party is about just ribs. It's also about life long friendships. Years ago when the Scholten's son Kevin and the rest of the Calvin Christian bunch were seniors, they decided to throw a party for the boys and their parents - sort of a last time get together before the boys graduated. That first year someone suggest they have the party every year and so they did.
Of course the party has grown over the years. First by adding significant others and more recently by starting families of their own. And still, the Scholten's accommodate the growing numbers by providing more ribs, and more Coronas.
"And we've never had a rainy day in the entire time we've done this," Mrs. Scholten told me.
It's a fun gathering and we're grateful to be part of it. The Rib Party is another great example of why we call Grand Rapids home. Big thanks to the Scholtens for hosting us again this year.
Read about the Rib Party 2013 HERE.
The Rib Party 2013.