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The Great Alone


Kladder Update: Surviving Cabin Fever

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January was all about embracing Winter but with a little less than two weeks left in February the cabin fever has begun to set in. That said, the extreme weather and antsy-ness of being cooped up indoors hasn’t slowed us down. We’re making due with 4-wheel drive, an abundance of sidewalk salt, neighborhood pizza/happy hours and a solid rotation of crockpot meals. Bring it on Mother Nature!

After our super fun trip to Colorado with friends last month we settled back into the swing of things with regular work and social schedules. These past two weeks I’ve been working out of the office on set shooting new products for Steelcase - big shoots and set life are always a fun part of the job. The hard work that has gone into these last few weeks will pay big time come Springtime and shortly after at NeoCon.

Last weekend we celebrated THREE birthdays with both friends and family. On Saturday Natalie and I joined friends at Celebration Cinema North with the crew from Watermark to celebrate Beckett’s 3rd Birthday and to watch the movie The Lion King. It was Natalie’s first time at the movies and she loved it.

Later that day we headed south to Schoolcraft to toast cocktails with my family and blow out candles for both my Mom and my sister-in-law Rachel’s birthdays. It was a seafood fest of a celebration prepared by my Dad which means it was over the top. Natalie helped me make the sugar cookie cake for dessert earlier that day.

For the Super Bowl we watched the game with friends at the McCarthy’s house who are the best damn hosts around. They had a balloon artist/magician for the kids while the game was going on downstairs which kept them busy for hours. Heck, even I was captivated for a portion of the performance. Jeff won at squares and took home some winnings while I ate my body weight in cheese dips. It was a good night.

Last weekend we hit up our annual once a year Griffins Hockey game with friends Kevin and Ashley for $2 beers followed by drinks at Bobs Bar on Michigan Ave. I’m sure at some point it’ll make sense to start bringing the kids along but for now we’re coasting on college memories and adult time.

For Valentines Day the kids and I hosted the wives and kids of the bowling league Jeff plays on because we all agreed there was no way the husbands were skipping regularly scheduled programming in the name of love! So we embraced their loving bowling more than us (just kidding) and enjoyed a crazy loud dinner together at our house along with treats and a movie for the kids. Earlier that day Jeff joined Natalie at school for Gentlemen’s Day where they enjoyed donuts together and handed out Natalie’s Valentines to her schoolmates. This year I helped her make bags with snap bracelets and suckers inside.

This month began the 6 week swim lessons at Wealthy Pool for both Natalie and Thomas. Thomas is LOVING the water and while he’s not really getting the whole pump your legs and arms to move concept (ya know, swimming?) he’s thrilled to be in the water. He’s a solid mix of sweet and sour lately with his fair share of cuddle moments followed almost immediately by a time out, usually for throwing something. He’s getting more and more into sports (everything is called ‘football’) and we’re curious to see how his throwing arm develops once we’re able to actually get outside and let him loose.

Natalie on the other hand is as dainty as ever. While she’s in the water at swim class she tries at all costs to avoid getting her face wet. Her imagination is at an all time high and I kid you not that for 15 minutes straight this week Jeff and I took turns opening imaginary gifts with Natalie where she handed them to us, had us unwrap them and then explain to us what was in each box. We have no idea if this is usual behavior for a 3-year-old but honestly don’t care. She’s hilarious. Her birthday is this Spring and she’s dead set on going to Chuck E. Cheese where, and I quote, she can ‘play all the games she wants.’ Thanks, marketing.

And as everyone gears up to head to warmer weather over the next month (Jeff’s parents included… #snowbirds), keep us in your thoughts and send us some sunshine! Take and post all the photos because we’ll be living vicariously through all of you this year!


  • Zivio - The former Georginas is now reopened under different ownership and now serving modern European fair. We dined there with our Rosewood Neighbors last week and thought it was great. Lots of options on the menu and good atmosphere. I gave it 4 out of 5 stars on Yelp.

  • The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah - This months book club tackled this emotional roller coaster and I loved it. Just when you think the book will come to some sort of resolution it pulls you right back in. Great for cabin fever nights at home!

  • Kirkland brand Kombucha!!! - I’ve tried and loved a lot but Kirkland has done it again tugging at my heart strings on great taste for less cost. So tasty!
