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Kladder Update: Outdoor Play All Day!

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Skiing and bonfires have been major themes this month making January’s tagline ‘Outdoor Play All Day!’

Jeff and I took our annual Ski Trip out West with friends this month and it was an absolute blast. This year we stayed in Vail, Colorado and skied for three days there, plus a day trip to Beaver Creek - just a 20 minute drive from Vail. Our days were sunny and warm which made for clear visibility and my face not freezing off, but it also turned parts of the mountain into sheets of ice - particularly in Beaver Creek. We had a couple falls amongst the group, but nothing that a little Ski Apres and a hot tub couldn’t fix. We had too much fun channeling our inner Yellowstone characters throughout the duration of our trip.

Back at home the kids stayed the week with my parents in Schoolcraft also spending time outdoors. Grandpa tackled a few yard projects and the kids were more than happy to assist. They were rewarded with s’mores and I’m sure plenty of other junk food that Grandma stocked up on before their visit. As always, the kids had an absolute blast and we can’t thank them enough for loving on our kids while we’re away at play.

Thomas and Natalie hit the slopes as well this month getting their first first taste of skiing up at Cannonsburg last weekend. We found a wonderful ski instructor through an online group and the kids took to her right away. Moving forward they will take lessons weekly until we run out of snow. We’re fully committed now with boots and skis of their own and Natalie has already asked when we’re going to take our very own family ski trip together.

We also took the kids sledding a few weeks ago at the East Grand Rapids Lakeside Elementary. It was all fun and games until Natalie zoomed down the hill and scraped her face on one of the pieces of playground equipment. She walked away with some bruising around her eye and a missing chunk of eyebrow hairs; fingers crossed it grows back. She was a champion though, sniffling for less than a minute then asked to go again. Lakeside is a great place to sled (there are stairs, it’s local, not crowded) but we advise going with two parents so one can play goalie for the poles at the bottom of the hill just in case. Learn from our mistake!

Earlier this month we partied with neighbors celebrating two birthdays with an outdoor fire pit and hot toddies. Social gatherings have gotten creative this past year and being outdoors has been a great solution. Despite the cold, it was super fun to catch up with friends and celebrate the birthday girls all while wearing snow pants!

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One event that kicked off this week that was not outdoors is Jeff’s virtual golf league. Bowling leagues are canceled this year which means Jeff is now available on Thursday nights to participate in golf. Personally, I welcome the break from golf during the winter season - come Springtime I’ll be ready for women’s league again.

Natalie was the Star Student this week which includes a curated display of photos and a personal questionnaire in her classroom. One of the questions it asked her was: ‘What is your favorite outdoor activity?’ She answered, ‘Skiing.’ Again with the skiing! I also took over as room parent for her classroom for the remainder off the year and look forward to supporting Mrs. Jonker in things that she needs. Natalie lost her second tooth this week after a negotiated trade: Superman Ice Cream for finally letting me pull it out. It was so satisfying. The Tooth Fairy brought her a whole dollar!

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Thomas is officially moving to GRCS for his second year of preschool in the Fall, assuming his current teacher, Miss Jill at Grace doesn’t kidnap him before then. We love Grace Preschool and will miss it terribly but we’re looking forward to having both kids at the same school making logistics much simpler. Thomas has been doing great this semester after moving up to full days and despite the added stimulation he has yet to run out of energy.

Peloton Update! I LOVE IT! My only regret is not purchasing sooner. I find it funny, however, that the things I thought I’d like most about the bike are actually turning out to be my least favorite parts. First, I was sad about giving up my community at TDM but was reassured by connecting with other Peloton friends after purchase. But now I’m struggling with it much in the same way I struggled with being so connected on my Apple Watch. I’m a competitive person so the ability to compare becomes a slippery slope for me. It’s highly likely I move my account to private sooner rather than later.

The second factor I thought would motivate me are the live classes offered at 6am most mornings. Surprisingly, I’ve only taken one live class and the rest have been on demand which is super empowering. I can take any class I want at any time and I feel so free! Other pro is how efficient a home workout is … I wake up and five mins later I’m on the bike and when I’m done stretching I’m in the shower one minute later. All in all it probably saves me about 25 minutes each morning which is precious-precious sleep time. In summary, I’m now a Peloton super user!

Hoping our vigor for outdoor play continues on into February. See you next month.

POSTSCRIPT, Stuff worth mentioning:

  • Noco Provisions - If you’re still looking for outdoor dining options then you might try Noco Provisions off Cascade. They’ve got a great outdoor tent that’s plenty heated and covered from the wind and cold along with fire pits while you wait. They take reservations and also have a few domes on their patio. Food was great!

  • Kennedy’s Flowers & Gifts - Stopped into Kennedy’s for a small bunch of flowers for a friends birthday this week and was blown away once inside. They have so much more than just flowers! I met the owner and she was a delight!

  • My best recent reads include ‘The Girl Before’ and ‘The Perfect Wife’ both by J.P. Delaney. Both were fantastic, page turners and I would highly recommend for your spring break poolside reading.

  • Last, Fresh Thyme has become one of our kids favorite places to run errands with me. They are huge fans of the mini kid carts and take turns collecting the groceries. It’s the little things - literally.

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