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Zach Dennis


Watermark Member Member Tournament 2015

Zach, Andrea, Me, and Jeff at the annual Watermark Member Member Tournament. 

Zach, Andrea, Me, and Jeff at the annual Watermark Member Member Tournament. 

Back in the day I worked at the Moors Golf Club in Portage, Michigan near where I grew up. It was a really great job to have through college that paid the tuition bills and filled up my gas tank. I remember working the various events offered by the golf club including the yearly member-member tournament.

The event was a big deal and lasted an entire weekend. For me it meant getting a bigger paycheck but for the members it meant a kick'n good time. There was amazing food and drink, high stake betting (which I'm pretty sure is technically illegal) on the teams in the tournament, and a hand full of social events including a ladies cocktail hour and mini golf tournament on the putting green. 

Now, I will say this, I'm interested in golf but on the lowest of levels. I have a set of clubs and I know how to swing them but at least once a twice a round I lose my ball. It's cool, I have a side pocket full of em in my golf bag. But because of this, I really never saw myself interested in joining a golf club. But then I married Jeff and he's interested in golf at the highest of levels. Any free Saturday morning you can find him out on the course. 

This past weekend Jeff and Zach, his mens league partner, played in their first member-member together at Watermark. Despite cleaning house during Friday's tournament play, they did not win overall. But a first place finish on Friday made me damn proud of both of them and deserved an evening of celebration on Saturday night. 

And celebrate we did! We enjoyed dinner on the course with the rest of the players and their better halves and cheers'ed to friends and a fun weekend together. And while the event planner in me was bursting with ideas for the event next year, it was fun to be reminded of where my event roots began. Don't forget to tip your server! 
