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Natalie's Nursery is Finally Finished

Natalie is 1 month old today. Wowza that went fast. She's sleeping and eating well and Jeff and I keep saying we're pretty sure we lucked out getting such a mild baby. She still gets her daily dose of hiccups, is pretty partial to her rock n' play sleeper, and sometimes giggles in her sleep which gives us a little glimpse of what it'll be like when she actually starts smiling back at us. Overall, she's our happy and healthy girl. 

And better late than never, this week we finally finished Natalie's nursery. The finishing touch was hanging the custom curtains made by Natalie's Grandma Mari - a pattern we're hoping will last her much longer than her nursery stages of life. 

With Natalie's room we wanted something feminine but not extremely girlie (i.e. lots of pink and sparkles). We also wanted something clean and simple with a hint of a theme of 'foxes' which was much more difficult to accomplish than anticipated - there's not a whole lot out there in the design world with foxes as the focal point. But with the help of my boss who happens to be a designer and my Mom who hunted down some custom made etsy items for us, the room is complete with fox accents.  

In other news this week, Jeff and I had friends over for dinner (well, actually we had them over and they cooked us dinner - perks of having a newborn). They describe themselves as a good Dutch couple and they're right... Dutch people rock. I'd describe them as extremely giving, kind, and a hell-of-a-good time. During dinner they asked us, "What is the best part about being parents and what is the worst." 

Jeff and I had to stop and think a moment before answering. For Jeff, he explained the best part was simply holding her in his arms. For me, I tried my best to explain the sense of feeling complete in our family of 3. That with her we are now whole. 

As for the worst part, Jeff and I both agreed that without a doubt it's (sorry for being blunt) having to abstain from on another for so long. It's the truth and it sucks. I'll leave it at that. 

Check out Natalie's new digs... way better than the womb in my opinion.