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A Sip & See Party, The Last of The Showers

Saturday we had what was suppose to have been my third baby shower. But because Natalie ended up being induced, the shower was cancelled. So instead, Jeffs Stepmom Mari and his Aunt Sue, two women I've grown quite fond of, threw Natalie and I what they called a Sip and See party, a brunch with mimosas where the ladies came to meet Natalie. I have to say, it was a great idea... especially the part about the mimosas because I got to partake this time. 

Because Natalie has already arrived, we were gifted things like clothes and lot of really great books - Natalie's library is quite established now. She's going to read whether she likes it or not! 

I really like the way Mari and Sue do showers (with booze and no party games) and I am a little sad this was my last. With a wedding and our first baby in the books, Iā€™m putting away my shampoo and conditioner because my shower days are over! I think the coolest part about the showers was getting friends and family together in one room, some of whom you haven't seen in over a year. 

Natalie slept through most of her party waking only to down a bottle with her second cousin Kim who came in from Chicago. She brought her daughter Cici (who was quite smitten with Natalie in her swing) who's just over a year older than Natalie. What's really great, between Cici and her 4 older girl cousins... she'll never be wanting for cute hand me downs. 

The ladies commented on how round Natalies head is (something we've gotten a lot actually - I didn't know round baby heads were a hot commodity) and so far most people are saying she looks like Jeff and I tend to agree - they're both cuties, but I'm bias. 

A huge thank you to Mari and Sue for an awesome brunch. They made me feel so loved and important which was incredibly nice because honestly, being the mom of a newborn, I've spent much of my time lately with the most selfish person in my life. I love her unconditionally but you won't find me complaining she see can start carrying in the groceries for me! - half kidding! 

PS - Quick comment about the sweet rolls pictured below... want to know a secret? Vans Bakery... but you have to special order them. So so good. You didn't hear it from me. 

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